Katharine Dawn
Katharine Dawn is known and recognized throughout her home regional community, and among Indigenous, activist and culture-creative communities around Australia, in various capacities: as an activist, community net-worker, ceremonialist, performance and visual artist, teacher, festival organizer, web designer, dancer, supporter of Original Australian Culture and Rights, and, since 2012, developer and advocate of the Earth Holocracy Proposal.
Katharine resides in ‘First Light Country’, the Northern Rivers Region of New South Wales, Australia. Designated as one of Australia’s prime “lifestyle regions’, the Northern Rivers Region’s various social, natural and economic features make it an ideal location for the type of politico-economic democratization of society advocated in the Earth Holocracy Proposal – and required for the sustainability of global civilization: that is, a decentralized participatory democracy where local communities are empowered and self-organized to direct their own affairs; freely manage and control their own natural wealth and resources; further the long-term economic prosperity, sustainability and self-reliance of their local community, uphold the rights of the Indigenous population, and best ensure the well-being and fulfillment of all the community’s membership, in perpetuity.
Contact Katharine Dawn HERE.
An expanded biography follows:
Katharine Dawn
Born December 4, 1956 in Tacoma, Washington, USA
Moved to Australia in 1975
Katharine Dawn has expressed her aspirations for, and dedication to furthering, a world that works for all in various capacities:
As a front line activist
For the preservation of nature, sacred sites and the living Culture of the Original Tribal Nations of ‘the Great Southern Island’ (Australia), and the cessation of the nuclear, military, CSG, gas export and all ecocidal industries
– The first “Great Walk’ for the conservation of the kauri and jarrah forests of south-west Western Australian (Denmark to Perth, carrying the people’s ‘Forest Charter’, 1987)
– Jabiluka Uranium Mine Protest Camp
– World Bike Ride for Peace, Disarmament and a Nuclear-Free Future (joining from Towsville to Darwin)
– Peace Convergence, protesting US/Australian War Games in Australian pristine wilderness (Yepoon, Qld)
– Timbarra Gold Mine Protest Camp, Drake, NSW
– Walking the Land – with Arrabunna Elder Uncle Kevin Buzzacott (from Lake Eyre to Botany Bay during the Commonwealth Games – joining west of Sydney)
– Nightcap Forest Logging Protest (Northern NSW)
– Beverley Uranium Mine Protest
– James Price Point Gas Hub Protest (Kimberleys)
– Eden Forest / Doubtful Creek CSG Protest Camp (Githabul Country, Glenugie, NSW)
– ‘Camp Liberty’, Bentley, NSW – the NRR Community’s anti-CSG non-violent direct action, where I put up the ‘Earth Holocracy Info Gazebo’ for four months (2015)
G20, Brisbane, Qld, September 2015, where for the 10 days of actions organized by the Brisbane Blacks, the ‘Earth Holocracy Proposal Information Display’ was erected at the Brisbane Aboriginal Sovereign Tent Embassy
As a global visionary, web-designer and public advocate for positive change
– Creating www.global-spring.net to document humanity’s global uprising for a genuinely democratic, just and peacful world (no longer online)
– Developing the Earth Holocracy Proposal: an honest,viable, realistic way to establish Real Global Democracy and achieve Sustainability — Vist Earth Holocracy on Facebook and at www.earth-holocracy.world
As co-creator / project-team-member of numerous festivals and special events for the world of common aspiration
– Local Venus Transit Celebration Main Arm, NSW, Joyfest (Qld)
– Byron Peace Carnival
-Rainbow Gatherings
-Byron Social Forum
– Living Together Gatherings
– Will of the People Project
– As a ‘Black-Up’ for the Julinbah Yowarl / Rainbow Corroboree: Local Goori Festival, under the direction of Uncle Lewis Walker
– Global Solidarity Action Days for whistleblower Bradley (now Chelsea) Manning
As a community networker
– Articulating the vision, creating the website*, and co-organizing the regular gatherings for the Living Together Network – a grassroots organization that provides online and ‘on the ground’ opportunities for communities to come together in the interests of local self reliance, political empowerment, sustainability and peace * www.livingtogethernetwork.net (no longer available)
As a ceremonialist
– Facilitating Local Participation in a number of Global Link Ups: Solar Wave Ceremony (2004) Welcoming the 5th World; 11:11 Doorway Link Ups; Northern Rivers Regional Gatherings for the Mayan Dreamspell’s ‘Day Out of Time’ annual events; Fire the Grid (Byron Bay)
– Designing and organizing two global Link Ups: Turn the Tide (2012) and Rainbow Around the World (2013)
– Participating in many Julinbah Yowarl / Rainbow Corroborees (Tabulam, NSW); Central Desert Inma; Representing the Rainbow Tribe on the Red Earth Corroborre Ground at the Nyamma Festival; Grandmother Drum (2nd Australian Tour, 2003)
As a performance artist
– Sundiata Marimba Band (singer, musician, dancer, 1990 – 1997)
– Sacred Earth Acknowledged Dance Duo (2000)
– Zen Mango Bird Woman (lead singer of a global fusion band, 2001)
– ‘Return of the Bird Tribes’ Multi-media Dance Performance (Byron Theatre, Byron Community and Cultural Centre, 2013)
As a multi-media artist
– Sacred Earth Gallery-Temple (two year project of creating a massive art installation)
– At the Core of Creation : The Evolutionary Journey of the Human Soul from the Big Bang to the Shift of the Ages (major film based upon the art installation’s presentation of earth history and our pivotal time, incomplete)
Zero Point : Ending One Age to Begin Another (theatre script involving audiences in concluding this world age and starting the new) – ‘O Gaza! Herald the end of war’ (short film in response to Operation Cast Lead – web-published, ‘Wikileaks, Civil Activism and the – Fall of Empire’ web-published info-poster set – www.livingtogethernetwork.net/turning-the-tide.htm (no longer available)
As developer and advocate of the Earth Holocracy Proposal
– Developer of the Earth Holocracy Proposal’s six-volume presentation, website, posters, and information display
– Taking the proposal out to the local community – both via an Earth Holocracy information gazebo at various events, and doing public speaking
– Beginning dissemination of the proposal via Facebook (Earth Holocracy) – and the (currently-under-construction) website: www.earth-holocracy.world
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