Building a Viable Movement of Movements

In this Vital Conversation, the aim of participants is to create a popularly-based template for a New Agreement between Local Communities everywhere – a mutually-empowering agreement between the Peoples of the world.

Based upon the key understanding that the only realistic way to ensure a viable future for global civilization is by decentralizing power and wealth – that is, by effectively liberating Local Communities to manage their own lives, direct their own destinies, and steward their own natural environments – the New Agreement is to serve as a template for building a viable “movement of movements” aimed at mutually empowering all social movements simultaneously.

Our starting point for this Vital Conversation is the Earth Holocracy Proposal’s Statement of Global Solidarity for Local Self Determination (please click to open). Composed of excerpts from the statements of numerous pro-democracy movements and organizations, the proposal’s statement of solidarity provides an authentic, popularly-based starting point for swiftly co-creating and agreeing upon a new political agreement, a new social contract, between the Local Communities of the world.

Join this Conversation at the Online Forum of the Global Holocratic Assembly — here.

Here we are taking up the invitation presented in the Spanish Movement’s Charter for Democracy:

“This charter invites discussion for a new territorial agreement at all levels, based on a radically democratic model. It is based on the assumption that decisions about the management of resources and services should be developed at the minimum level of the territorial unit, and forms of the distribution of wealth must be organized within the larger Commons to ensure equity between the territories.
“The new territorial agreement model shall be the result of democratic consultation and cooperation among the various territorial units. It should acknowledge the widest possible plurality, and build itself up from its residents’ right to democratically decide on their belonging or not to the different territorial units.
“The management of resources and services as well as decisions on matters of public interest must be reduced to the minimum territorial unit in which it is most accessible to those residents responsible for such management or decisions. All services that can be better managed at smaller territorial scales will be managed at this level.”

Our objective here is to agree upon a manifesto, a statement of global solidarity, a new social, political and territorial agreement between the place-based communities of the world, that would

– empower each local community in mutual recognition and support of each other’s rights of self determination and terrritorial sovereignty
– inspire the people everywhere to act now in a grassroots commitment to the restoration of the world environment – by the only viable means, that is, by virtue of place-based communities assuming full responsibility for self-organizing their local “sustainability revolution” in industry, economic independence, conservation of biodiversity, and responsible stewardship of natural wealth and resources
– safeguard the authenticity and integrity of society’s democratizing process by a shared commitment to organizing in a ‘best-practice’ – egalitarian, horizontal, efficient, transparent and ethics-based – way
– effectively initiate the process of building a new, decentralized, genuinely democratic global system – a decentralized participatory democracy based upon regional communities’ place-based identity, active citizenship and robust stewardship.

Empowering Indigenous, Independence and Self Determination Movements

Endorsements by Indigenous, Independence and Self Determination Movements worldwide of the  Earth Holocracy Proposal’s Statement of Global Solidarity for Local Self Determination  would significantly help to ignite the proposed “movement of movements”.  The proposal represents a Change of Tactics: with it, the people are no longer addressing their struggles for justice to the existing system’s current governments. The evidence strongly suggests that satisfaction will not be forthcoming from there. As such, the proposal’s Statement of Solidarity is for opening dialogue and furthering mutually beneficial agreements directly between the place-based communities of the world.
The proposed decentralized system is fundamentally founded upon the unique identity and collective spirit and sense of shared destiny of each of the world’s Local Communities. The world’s Indigenous Peoples are, of course, “the quintessential locals”. Indigenous Peoples persist, often as minority populations, within their traditional lands and territories. Recognition of the world’s diverse Peoples and their rights is core to the Earth Holocracy Proposal: please see:
The attainment of the democratic rights of all peoples is not possible within the current system. If the people – the 99% – wish to pass on a living earth and good lie to future generations, if we aspire to a genuinely democratic, sustainable, just and humanly-rewarding future for global civilization, we must Change Tactics. We must ignore governments and build a viable “movement of movements” – by the people, and for the people and the earth.
Your participation in this Vital Conversation furthers the third Priority of the proposed Global Holocratic Assembly: Building a ‘Movement of Movements’ for Local Self Determination

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Better still:

Join this Conversation at the Online Forum of the Global Holocratic Assembly — here.


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