RHA-NR Vision Mission and Priorities

The ‘Vision, Mission and Priorities’ Statement is a Key Founding Document [KFD] of a holocratic organization – providing an inviolable guide for all the organization’s activities and key decision-making. [Please see Establishing the Holocratic Circle, Consent-based Decisions-Making, and Making Key Decisions to clarify this point.]

The following Vision, Mission and Priorities Statement is submitted by Katharine Dawn for consideration, improvement and endorsement by participants in the Regional Holocratic Assembly – Northern Rivers.

The following draft Statement is derived from the region’s excellent (former) Sustainability Plan – the Northern Rivers Regional Development Plan (2013 – 2016) [NRRDP] (stewarded by Regional Development Australia – Northern Rivers); the current regional plan: the NRJO Strategic Plan; the Northern Rivers Biodiversity Management Plan 2010 and the Vision, Mission and Priorities Statement proposed for the Global Holocratic Assembly.


Derived from the Northern Rivers Regional Development Plan:

A healthy, prosperous and sustainable future for the communities of the Northern Rivers Region

Derived from the Vision Statement of the Global Holocratic Assembly:

A Regional Community that is 1) united, self-empowered, self-organized and increasingly self-reliant; 2) that works collaboratively in an egalitarian, transparent and best-practice manner so as to best ensure the long-term well-being of the whole community and that of the natural environment and resources upon which such depends; and 3) that provides an inspiring working model of sustainability and ‘real democracy’ solutions for a world in crisis.


To provide a powerful and well-focused vehicle for the effective participation of the Northern Rivers Regional Community in 1) ensuring a healthy, prosperous and sustainable future for the regional community, 2) ensuring that the natural environment, biodiversity values and resources of the region are conserved and improved, and 3) providing an inspiring working model of sustainability and ‘real democracy’ solutions for a world in crisis.


The Priorities of the Northern Rivers’ Assembly will be established by the Assembly’s Membership.

In the interests of facilitating the whole community engagement required in order to best ensure the realization of common aspirations, it is proposed that the NR Assembly self-organize so as to further – in effective, well-informed and meaningful ways – the community-based priority goals determined within the NRJO Strategic Plan – as follows:

Five Regional Priorities

Thriving, healthy and biodiverse natural environments

For the biodiversity and health of our waterways, habitats and wildlife to be protected and enhanced to deliver environmental, economic and recreational benefits for current and future generations of residents and visitors.

Improved community well-being now and into the future

For our region to be able to offer its residents a range of affordable, appropriate housing choices and access to health care, mental health care, aged care and other services that enhance well-being.

A physically and digitally connected region

For our communities, businesses and visitors to be connected through a diverse range of safe, inclusive, low impact private and public transport options and safe*, high quality, reliable internet and mobile telecommunications services.

[*The qualifier, “safe” is added herein with due regard for the well-documented evidence of the severe health risks associated with wireless technologies, and in support of making use of the ready alternative to wireless technologies represented by the fibre-optic option.]

Innovative, sustainable energy, water and waste management

For our region to establish itself as a leader in renewable energy production; effective, sustainable water management; and innovative approaches to waste management to improve environmental and service delivery outcomes.

A diversified, prosperous and sustainable regional economy

For our region to have a strong, diversified economy that provides increased employment and business opportunities and financial well-being for communities while protecting and maintaining our region’s unique character.


With respect to the third NRJO Strategic Plan priority aimed at realizing the NR as: “a physically and digitally connected region”, it is herein proposed that Assembly Participants heed the available evidence substantiating widespread concerns regarding the health risks involved in the use of wireless technologies, and as such, advocate for the roll-back of wireless technologies, public-awareness-raising, and facilitating use of the fiber-optic cables (already laid throughout the Northern Rivers) for high-speed broadband access and establishment of free fibre-optic internet access community centres throughout the region.

With respect to maintaining and improving upon the biodiversity values of the Northern Rivers Region, it is herein further proposed that the Northern Rivers Assembly adopt and commit to furthering the Vision and Objectives of the Northern Rivers Biodiversity Management Plan 2010 (and also the Tweed Biodiversity Management Plan) – as follows:

Derived from Northern Rivers Biodiversity Management Plan 2010 :

The vision of the Plan is to:

“Provide coordinated and strategic outcomes for biodiversity management, underpinned by community involvement and partnerships that guide the protection and recovery of threatened species, populations, ecological communities and ecological processes across all land tenures in the Region.”


To achieve the vision, the Plan has set the following eight objectives:

  • To maintain and improve biodiversity and ecological processes by the rehabilitation and management of native vegetation across all land tenures.
  • To identify and mitigate the impacts of threats acting on threatened species, populations and ecological communities.
  • To mitigate the potential impacts of climate change by increasing landscape connectivity across all habitat types and land tenures.
  • To provide a basis for a consistent, coordinated and prioritised approach to the recovery of terrestrial, freshwater and estuarine threatened species, populations and ecological communities.
  • To improve community awareness and encourage and support landowner and community participation in recovery planning and on-ground activities.
  • To develop partnerships between agencies, organisations, communities and individuals to achieve recovery of threatened species.
  • To recognise and incorporate cultural values into biodiversity landscape planning and encourage ongoing Indigenous engagement.
  • To contribute to targets, priority actions and outcomes of the Northern Rivers Catchment Action Plan, NSW State Plan, federal natural resources management targets, and the NSW Threatened Species Priorities Action Statements.

As many NR Residents – and certainly those involved in the Northern Rivers Guardians and other local Environmental Organizations – are painfully aware: there is a deplorable gap existing between the above-quoted Vision and Objectives and their effective realization. It is anticipated that – self-empowered and self-organized – the Northern Rivers Assembly may work effectively to close this unacceptable gap.

Whenever and wherever traditional or conventional tactics aimed at securing a healthy, prosperous and sustainable future for the regional and global community are found inadequate to, or incapable of, ensuring success, the Ten Priorities (and associated Strategies) proposed for the Global Holocratic Assembly are proposed for adoption by the Regional Holocratic Assembly – as follows:

Ten Priorities of the Global Holocratic Assembly

Click to open PDFs that clarify the OGSMs – the Goals, Strategies and Measures – proposed for furthering each Objective / Priority.

1. Raising Public Awareness

2. The Self-Empowerment of Local Communities

3. Building a ‘Movement of Movements’ for Local Self Determination

4. Upholding the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

5. Adopting an Ethics-based, Egalitarian, Transparent and Efficient Organizational Model

6. Building the new genuinely Democratic and Decentralized Politico-Economic system from the Grassroots

7. Decentralizing the Economy to Achieve Sustainability and Real Democracy

8. Attaining Justice: Facilitating a Smooth Transition to an Equitable and Inclusive Society through Restorative Practices

9. Democratization of the Financial System

10. Creating the New World Map from the Grassroots

All residents of the Northern Rivers are warmly invited to join the NR Assembly and to help in laying the foundations for the Assembly’s orientation and organizational practices. Please contribute your ideas, feedback and suggestions by leaving your Comments below.


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