GHA Members

The existence of the Global Holocratic Assembly is not yet widely known: remedying this obscurity is an immediate priority… (There are strategies afoot!) While a number of individuals have joined FB Groups for the Global and Northern Rivers Regional Holocratic Assemblies, they have yet to provide their profiles as registered Members. So, humbly to say, we have one registered member at this point in time! Surprise, surprise: it’s the developer of the Earth Holocracy Proposal! lol!

Katharine Dawn, developer of the Earth Holocracy Proposal

Name: Katharine Dawn. Address: Lives in the Northern Rivers Region, (NE NSW, Australia), Bundjalung Country. email: katharine.dawn[at] phone: 0457613527. Motivation for participating in the GHA: I deeply cherish hopes for the realization of a sustainable, just and peaceful future for global humanity – thriving in balance, harmony and mutual regard within the great web of planetary life; I am convinced that the popularly-based vision and best-practice strategies presented and advocated within the Earth Holocracy Proposal represent the only viable means for realizing these hopes. GHA Priorities I’m most interested in: all of them. What I bring to the table: I am the compiler/developer of the Earth Holocracy Proposal, its web administrator, and, at this early stage, its chief advocate – the skills associated with these roles include researcher, writer, web designer, activist, speaker, graphic artist.